
This post may contain inaccuracies and partial information or solutions.

To reduce my backlog of docs, I’ve decided to publish my nearly completed drafts assisted by AI.

I wrote most of the following content but used generative AI to format, organize, and complete the post. I’m sure some tone is lost along the way.

Leave a comment if you find any issues!

(originally created Jun 13th 2021)

If you have an open source app that you want folks to start using, creating a Helm chart is a great way to make your application more portable. A Helm chart repository is a place to host Helm charts, making it easy for others to discover and deploy your application.

In this post, we’ll walk through the process of creating a Helm chart repository on Google Cloud Storage (GCS), following the official Helm documentation.

Create a GCS Bucket

The first step is to create a GCS bucket to host your Helm charts. If you’re using Terraform to manage your GCP resources, you can add the following configuration to create a public bucket:

resource "google_storage_bucket_access_control" "public_rule" {
  bucket = google_storage_bucket.bucket.name
  role   = "READER"
  entity = "allUsers"

resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
  name = "jimangel-charts"

Create a Helm Chart

Next, create a new Helm chart for your application. In this example, we’ll create a chart named gitdocs:

helm create gitdocs

Make any necessary modifications to the chart, and test it using:

helm template .

Package and Index Your Chart

Create a public directory to store your packaged charts, and then package your chart:

mkdir public
cd public
helm package ../

Generate an index.html file for your repository:

helm repo index . --url https://jimangel-charts.storage.googleapis.com

Sync with GCS

Use gsutil and rsync to upload your charts to the GCS bucket:

gcloud auth login
gcloud config configurations activate out-of-pocket

gsutil rsync -d ./ gs://jimangel-charts
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://jimangel-charts

To ensure that the charts and index file are always served with the latest version, set the Cache-Control header to no-cache:

gsutil -m setmeta -h "Cache-Control:no-cache" gs://jimangel-charts/*.tgz
gsutil -m setmeta -h "Cache-Control:no-cache" gs://jimangel-charts/index.yaml

Test Your Repository

Add your new Helm repository and update the local cache:

helm repo add jimangel2 https://jimangel-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo update

Search for your chart:

helm search repo jimangel2

Install your chart:

helm install gitdocs jimangel2/gitdocs

Updating Your Chart

To update your chart, make the necessary changes, increment the chart version in the Chart.yaml file, and then repeat the packaging, indexing, and syncing steps:

cd helm-chart/public
helm package ../
helm repo index . --url https://jimangel-charts.storage.googleapis.com
gsutil rsync -d ./ gs://jimangel-charts
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://jimangel-charts
gsutil -m setmeta -h "Cache-Control:no-cache" "gs://jimangel-charts/*.tgz"
gsutil -m setmeta -h "Cache-Control:no-cache" gs://jimangel-charts/index.yaml

Users can then update their local repository cache and see the new version:

helm repo update
helm search repo -l gitdocs

By following these steps, you can create a Helm chart repository on Google Cloud Storage, making it easy to share your applications with the community.